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Pulled over today

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Old 07-09-2007, 06:43 PM
Muddydawg75's Avatar
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Default RE: Pulled over today

spend some money and get your doctor to write you a note.... then you can have it all...
Old 07-09-2007, 07:45 PM
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Default RE: Pulled over today

Even though Scottsdale and Phoenix are huge for photo radar, I've stayed away from tinted and reflective license plate covers. To me (and maybe to a cop) it says that I'm trying to get away with something by hiding or obscuring part of my plate. I don't want to give a cop any excuse to pull me over or plant ideas in his head about how I drive. I think the tinted and reflective plate covers do that.

I've been pulled over enough times not to want to give them an excuse to do it to me again.

I'm glad you got a warning!
Old 07-09-2007, 07:58 PM
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Default RE: Pulled over today

In our CHP class that is the first thing they taught us. When stopped at night, roll down all 4 windows and place your hands on the steering wheel. This gives the police officer a better view of the interior of the vehicle. I don't blame them for giving tickets we would do the same thing if in their position.
Old 07-11-2007, 07:54 AM
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Default RE: Pulled over today

I live in Tx and my front windows are quite dark, came from the dealer that way. It's black on black and I drive all over and never had a cop give me a second look. I don't know what my tint rating is but I really wonder if I'm over the legal limit. But then again, why would a dealer install tinting on a new car that would be illegal in the state it's sold in???

Old 07-11-2007, 08:51 AM
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Default RE: Pulled over today

ORIGINAL: hummernewby

In our CHP class that is the first thing they taught us. When stopped at night, roll down all 4 windows and place your hands on the steering wheel. This gives the police officer a better view of the interior of the vehicle. I don't blame them for giving tickets we would do the same thing if in their position.
I'm gunna go ahead and ahem ... disagree there ... Personally I think tickets are a waste of time and I certainly wouldn't do the same LOL! Let me ask you this ... after you get your ticket and the whole event has sunk in, do you sit there and regret the fact it happend, from an other perspective than money that is? Are you really remorsefull, did you LEARN something from it? My bet here is no .. we all have a "it's just a ticket" mentality because honestly, that's ALL it is. It's an unforseen expenditure that's more annoying than anything else.There's no ephiphany attached to it, there's no "I'll never speed again" attached to it .. we get our paper copy, and go about our business pissin' and moanin' about the money ... so honestly, what's the point of writing them? Other than the ka-ching aspect that is? Don't get me wrong here, there's definitely a need for it but unless you are some sort of "serial speeder" with really bad luck and get pulled over enough times to where you get your licenses suspended, where's the lesson here? It's not even a real punishment, it's too cheap for that.
I do however agree with the window bit, I do that regardless of the time of day, assuming it doesn't rain that is :-) I may not agree with how things are done at all times but d@mn, if you're caught, you're caught, why make it harder than it has to be? If nothing else showing a little respect, if I get the same back of course, is nothing but common curtesy and like you said, they're just doing their jobs ...

Old 07-11-2007, 03:18 PM
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I may not agree with how things are done at all times but d@mn, if you're caught, you're caught, why make it harder than it has to be? If nothing else showing a little respect, if I get the same back of course, is nothing but common curtesy and like you said, they're just doing their jobs ...

Bravo SIR! [sm=hail.gif]
Old 07-11-2007, 03:52 PM
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The few times I have been pulled over, I have always rolled down my windows, had my info ready to go, and was always nice, and every single time, got ticketed. I never got a "warning" even when I got a ticket for something I didn't even do. I even had a witness, went to court, and had my attorney friend tell me the cops in my city were all crooked, have a reputation for doing it, and they probably won't believe me. It was for not stopping at a stop sign while making a right turn. I stopped completely. I always do, and my friend was following behind me. I told him "I did stop" and he says "no you didn't, I was looking right at you" and I said "well I think my friend will be a good witness to that." Anyway, I was so freakin' pissed off. That was right before half the department was fired and taken over by the state police for a year because of corruption. I heard alot of stories about our town like what I went through, and I was set to actually get all of these people together and get a class-action lawsuit against the town going for all of it. Apparently in the legal field, attorneys knew that was going on, ALOT of it, but everybody was afraid to touch it because of all the mob crap going on there. Luckily, I didn't have to, but sure had enough to get one going (I don't think it was considered "class-action" but there was another term for it). I pretty much was told that if I did it, I better move out of the town.

That's another story for another day, but the point is, how the hell does one get off "with a warning" when people like me who try to be nice and admit they did something wrong, get ticketed? In my personal experience, every single person I have ever known has been pulled over with a warning, except me. I mean we are talking 10 MPH over the speed limit kinda thing, not now 85 in a 35 or something. I get aggrivated when I see people breaking the law ALL the time right in front of me and there are cops everywhere, and they never pull these people over. I think "what the hell, why isn't he going after this guy?" My wife and I see it ALL the time around here. No offense to our police officer buddies on here, but to those who don't, give me a break. I see people with broken brake lights that barely work, people speeding through traffic without using their signals, people driving with their brights blinding everybody, and nothing. I see people turning from the left lane making a right-hand turn in front of everybody, cutting them off. All of this while there was an officer in a squad car right there in the vacinity just looking and not doing anything. I have the highest respect for police officers because they don't get paid nearly enough to risk their lives and put up with all the BS they do, and I think they do deserve a break once in a while, maybe they had a bad day and just don't feel like pulling someone over, ok, fine, but what I don't get is why I have seen it for literally years where they don't do anything. If I did something wrong, I pay for it, fine, but there are people out there doing way worse things then I have that don't get anything then a stare. This isn't a perfect world but at the same time if you see someone driving like a dikhead that has the potention of harming someone else, don't just freakin' stare at them and be on your merry way, do something about it, or are you going to wait until someone gets hit and hurt for it to matter. Again, this is only against those who take no action, not the ones that care about their job.

Of course, if the girl driving the car is hot, well, then we have a different story

(just kidding)
Old 07-11-2007, 04:33 PM
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I may not agree with how things are done at all times but d@mn, if you're caught, you're caught, why make it harder than it has to be? If nothing else showing a little respect, if I get the same back of course, is nothing but common curtesy and like you said, they're just doing their jobs ...

Bravo SIR! [sm=hail.gif]
Thank you OFFICER :-) All joking aside here though ... I don't have a problem with cops as a whole, I never had. I have a problem with INDIVIDUALS who happen to be dikks or have a "I have a bagde and an attitude" disorder .. Yanno the types I'm talking about .. your average high school bully who never quite grew up but somehow managed to become a police officer. Those are the ones I take offense to, this unfortunately due to the fact that there are A LOT of them around here. The treatment you get from them folks is just straight up uncalled for in some cases andtheir kind I'll set myself sideways for every time just on principle.
The guy I had come screech to a hault in our parking lot here at work, door open before the cruiser was even stopped, screaming at me .. noway doode .. you come at me like that and you will get exactly what you gave me which is what happened in this case. How anyone can accuse someone for screaching their tires when their (my)vehicle is on the grass is beyond me but he stuck to his story and ran my license/plates on me. About 5 minutes later when he came back and asked me if I still wanted a ticket I said, as much as I wanted it before and snatched my license out his hand and walked off. I did nothing wrong, he just didn't appreciate the fact that I went around him in the grass to get through the ONLY open drive way in to work ... then came after me with an attitude when he was the one refusing to move his !@#$!@#$ cruiser so people could get in .. private property too here buddy ... noway bro .. people like that should be debadged and beaten with a stick until they learn some manors and common ****** curtesy...the rest of ya's are aight :-)
Old 07-11-2007, 05:02 PM
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Read my post above yours dude. That's exactly what I mean. They need to do a better job weeding those people out. As with any job, if you don't want to do your job properly GTF out and do something else and stop being a dikhead just because you can.

I had that happen to me too, same thing, went up over a curb on the sidewalk because two people crashed right in front of me because they were avoiding an ambulance coming down the road. Since they stopped, I pulled up on the grass, curb, to get AWAY from the ambulance mind you and make room, and here he comes, woo woo woo (you like the effects )

This happened in the SAME town I told you about that I lived in where 75% of the cops were corrupt a$$holes......

"What the hell do you think you're doing? Are you making your own roads?"

I said "I was getting out of the way of the ambulance"

Then the cop goes "You think because you have an SUV you can make your own roads?"

and then I replied "Unless you prefer me to block it and you'll give me a ticket anyway fornot yielding to anemergencyvehicle, then yes, I had to go up there since I had nowhere else to go"

He replied"You guys all think youown the road"

Well,at that point I had it. "You think because you have a badge you can pull people over for OBEYING THE LAW? Let's see what the these people have to say seeing you yell at me for it and then you can give me a ticket and I'll go to court to tell the judge how you pulled me over and ticketed me for trying to NOT block an ambulance, I'm sure he'll love what a fine job you are doing enforcing the law"

They guy just stood there and said "get the hell out of here"

and I said "Go do your F'ing job you moron, no wonder you all got fired and had to have REAL officers come and do your job for you, since apparently you don't know how to do it yourself"

Since I knew the precinct captain, I called him, he came over and I told him what happened. The F'er got suspended since apparently they have heard these stories before about him and didn't really believe the complainers until I told him what happened.

This is the kind of crap I had to deal with in the 28 years I lived in my hometown, ignorance, stupidity and egos from little 20 year old punks that think because they have a badge they can do whatever they want, and older guys that think everobody is afraid of them. I am SO happy I don't live there anymore, and when everybody asks me what the biggest thing Is I love about my new town besides the peace, is that the cops aren't lazy pieces of **** and actually care about their jobs and take pride in it. Too bad everybody else doesn't take that kind of pride.

I'm with Nick, I think police officers in general are good people, but it's those few a$$holes that unfortunately give them as a whole a bad reputation in certain areas, as in the area I lived in.
Old 07-11-2007, 05:30 PM
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Default RE: Pulled over today

Sorry HummerGuy for all the problems you've had... sounds like the small town I grew up in....
Zyne now don't get me wrong I don't mind the tinted windows I think it gives it a more rugged look. But, I see the police side too because it makes their job more dangerous when coming up on a vehicle that is blacked out. That's why I would always roll the windows down, ours tends to be pretty dark at night too. I would love to tint over the factory windows but afraid I wouldn't be able to see to back out... already have issues with the blind spot back there now... hehehhe
I guess I've been lucky I've gotten three warnings... one for not stopping at a stop sign (like how could I not there was a friggin car in front of me) and two for speeding (downhill, we all know you gain speed right!)...

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