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OBAMA drives a H3

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Old 03-04-2008, 08:29 PM
Join Date: Nov 2007
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Default RE: OBAMA drives a H3

ORIGINAL: 3hummers

Well we aren't going to decide the election or solve the problems of the world in this forum and we all clearly have our own opinions about things. The one thing we all know we agree on is that we love Hummers so vote for the most Hummer friendly candidate you can find.
There's one running? It's just fun talking about politics, even though it never helps. [:@] Oh well, perhaps eventually the people will come around.
Old 03-04-2008, 09:27 PM
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Well, I have to say that if I wanted universal health care I would move to Canada. Why am I expected to pay for people that won't get off of their *** and get it themselves? 3/4 of the poor are healthy enough to get a decent job, they just don't. I haven't spent the last 18 yrs of my life saving and working to be able to enjoy my later years, NOT to fund the rest of the country! Obama wants to gripe about "the CEO that earns more in a day than most do in a year" who cares?! You don't like it, go to college andget his job! I didn't like Bill, so I sure as hell am not going to vote for Hillary. McCain, well, he just scares me a little. You can't tell me that you spend 7 years as a POW and it doesn't screw with your head some. I don't like Unions, Social Security, Medicare, etc... Last time I checked we were supposed to be a capitalist county, not a socialist (which is where we are headed); so why do we expect the govt to support us all of our lives? We are supposed to handle it on our own. I've said it before, the boiling frog scenario: Drop a frog into a pot of boiling water and what will it do? JUMP OUT! If you put the same frog into a cool pot of water and slowly turn the heat up, then what? He is boiling and dying before he notices what is going on. It's the same thing with us and our freedoms/rights, they just keep convincing everyone that they need to take this or that and before you know it, we won't have any more rights.
Hope everyone like breadlines!

This is why I usually stay out of these conversations. I was always told, "don't talk about politics or religion with friends". Probably should've listened.

BTW, I don't care what any of like politically, I still love y'all for loving your Hummers!
Old 03-04-2008, 09:41 PM
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Default RE: OBAMA drives a H3

Rhill, glad you came out to play. LOL I try not to get started on that stuff because once I get rolling it is hard to stop. I have started and owned several businesses and done fairly well. I have taken a lot of risk and at times really wondered if it was worth it. I support approximately 500 people through the employment my company offers. We pay for everyone's health insurance, we match their 401K contributions and I pay a lot of taxes. I think i do my share and I don't want to do anymore. oops, there I go...better shut myself up before I really get wound up.
Old 03-04-2008, 10:52 PM
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Default RE: OBAMA drives a H3

Well said Rhill. I just finished a book that said at the end: "If we surrender our freedoms in order to defend the nation, what would be left that is worth defending?" McCain scares me, I lost all respect for him when I learned of his attitude towards POWs. I should probably stop, but I love talking politics. No one else my age really does though. I'm with you on all of the socialistic programs that are implemented in this country, get rid of 'em!
Old 03-05-2008, 06:43 AM
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Default RE: OBAMA drives a H3

I would like to nominate rhill20 why is it people like you never get elected? I guess we don't lie enough and have no care make every thing politicaly correct.
Old 03-05-2008, 07:48 AM
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Default RE: OBAMA drives a H3

All I can say is this...
Old 03-05-2008, 08:59 AM
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Default RE: OBAMA drives a H3

ORIGINAL: jackk frost


Well I sure as heck ain't votin for the jap crap buyers!!! Kiss my azz McJap buyer!!!!

McCain: What kind of vehicles do you and your wife drive?
"My wife drives a Lexus," he says unafraid to wave a foreign flag on Detroit soil. "My only claim to fame is that my daughter Meghan owns a Prius hybrid. That's our only testimony to reducing greenhouse gas emissions."
What do you drive yourself?
"I drive a Cadillac. I drive the ... what? (An aide tells him he has a 20 m.p.g. CTS sedan.) It's been a very good car."

I hardly think what kinda vehicle one drives has any thing to do with them being the commander in chief and I would also like to point out that if there are 8 or 10 people in a suburban getting 8-10 mpg it is a more fuel efficient way to travle than the same 8-10 people driving 3 H3'S
Also I very much agree I am not too keen on any of the big 3 candidates

Ah................but it says volumes on the fact they are clueless on the economy!!
Old 03-05-2008, 03:33 PM
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Default RE: OBAMA drives a H3

ORIGINAL: rhill20

...I've said it before, the boiling frog scenario: Drop a frog into a pot of boiling water and what will it do? JUMP OUT! If you put the same frog into a cool pot of water and slowly turn the heat up, then what? He is boiling and dying before he notices what is going on.
BTW, I don't care what any of like politically, I still love y'all for loving your Hummers!
ok, A little off topic here, but whatever...I've heard this said before, and wanted to see if it was true...

I went to the woodpile outside the house and got a couple of little treefrogs. I'm not sure if they knew what was coming, but dangit they were hard to catch!

I decided to try the 2nd hypothesis first, to see if they would stay in or jump out as the water got hotter. I dropped frog #1 in the water, turned it on and he immediately jumped out!! WTF! That wasn't going to work...

Try #2 - Use the lid! This time I put the frog in the water and before he could jump out, I slammed the lid on the pot! You could hear the little bugger struggling to get the lid up, but I just held it down. Turned the heat up on Medium...sure enough after awhile, poor little toady stopped struggling...I opened the lid to see if he was all boiled up - BAM! Jumped right out of the pot!!! With the lid on, there was no way to know when the water was boilin'...

Try #3 - This time, bigger pot! Much easier this time, I used my 20 qt beer brewing stockpot and filled it partway with water. Dropped the little tadpole in there and waited...he struggled for awhile, then got really quiet...but them when the pot got warmer he struggled again. I'm not 100% sure if he was struggling because he was hot or just scared.

Anyways, I couldn't prove the 2nd hypothesis because they either jumped right out, or I had to use a big pot they couldn't jump out of anyway.

On to the 1st postulate!

This was easy...I took the same now terrorized frog, boiled up the water, and dropped him in...did he jump? hmmm, tasty frog legs!!!

So apparently if you put a frog in a pot of boiling water, he boils...if you put the same frog in a pot of cool water and turn it up, he's still dead from the boiling part to start...but if you use a different frog and put them in a pot of cool water, they'll jump right out, hop around your kitchen, get frog goop, slime, and poo all over everything and **** your wife off!
Old 03-05-2008, 03:47 PM
Join Date: Feb 2008
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Default RE: OBAMA drives a H3


ORIGINAL: jackk frost


Well I sure as heck ain't votin for the jap crap buyers!!! Kiss my azz McJap buyer!!!!

McCain: What kind of vehicles do you and your wife drive?
"My wife drives a Lexus," he says unafraid to wave a foreign flag on Detroit soil. "My only claim to fame is that my daughter Meghan owns a Prius hybrid. That's our only testimony to reducing greenhouse gas emissions."
What do you drive yourself?
"I drive a Cadillac. I drive the ... what? (An aide tells him he has a 20 m.p.g. CTS sedan.) It's been a very good car."

I hardly think what kinda vehicle one drives has any thing to do with them being the commander in chief and I would also like to point out that if there are 8 or 10 people in a suburban getting 8-10 mpg it is a more fuel efficient way to travle than the same 8-10 people driving 3 H3'S
Also I very much agree I am not too keen on any of the big 3 candidates

Ah................but it says volumes on the fact they are clueless on the economy!!

I don't know anyone that has never bought any thing that wasn't made outside the US. As a matter of fact I would bet any vehicle you own has some thing on it that came from outside this country
Old 03-05-2008, 04:17 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 384
Default RE: OBAMA drives a H3

rhill, you, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. i couldnt have said it any better. we were founded on a republic, then slowly slipped to a democracy. now, we're staring socialism right in the face with communism across the street. i'm not sure mccain is the answer, but he's the lesser of all evils. lets just hope hillary takes it for the demos (the enemy of my enemy is my friend...for now).

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