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Patches 01-13-2008 10:44 AM

I agree with Muddydawg75 about being considerate with Gene. In fact, he was unfairly bashed on the Corvette forum recently by a relative newbie and lots of grateful members came to his defense immediately. Gene has helped countless folks with parts location and problem solving over the years and is highly respected and valued for it. People need to be patient and understand that he does his best to help and often goes out of his way to do it.

Josh, best of luck with your repair - I'm sure you'll get the Alpha back in prime condition quickly.

Muddydawg75 01-13-2008 10:46 AM

yeah... that's what I was talking about... I read it and was annoyed...

josh1899 01-13-2008 11:23 AM

Gene got back with me very quickly and had all the information I needed. I REALLY appreciate his help.;) He's hooking me up with some carpet at a great price. I really hate that someone would burn that bridge. That's sad.......

gmpartsdude 01-13-2008 12:43 PM

Thanks for the kind words guys.

Here is the problem. Whether anyone realizes what personalized service is or not anymore, that is what I provide. There are many times and many days I spend emailing someone back and forth about a 5 dollar order and I don't really care that its only a 5 dollar order. They call me to add on to an order a couple of days after they ordered expecting to be able to do it after the order has been gone already.

I try to catch peoples mistakes in only ordering 1 water pump gasket (Corvette) or 1 valve cover gasket... double orders, wrong part numbers etc.

I get a couple of hundred emails per day.

Then some decide they want to use me for a punching bag. This past week I was really abused by some customers and yes, it got my dander up and I may not have been as pleasant as I could have been. But quite frankly, I get a little angry when I'm good to people and I start to be treated like I'm not a human. I then start to get taken advantage of. Thankfully, all of those who I've helped step in and offer their words of wisdom and help.

It is nothing I can't handle, but sometimes it gets the best of you when you had a week like I did last week!

Thanks for listening.

Oh yeah, one thing I didn't get to list on the other post... I even got screamed at and had a nasty message waiting for me on my voicemail thursday night. When I called to see what was wrong the guy apologized and said he was sorry because another vendor ripped him off for a couple thousand dollars and then he decided to call me. LOL. Again, I was a punching bag, but at least he was nice enough to admit I wasn't his problem to begin with, it was someone else.

rhill20 01-13-2008 02:31 PM

It's too bad people have to be that way. They treat people like you with disrespect then wonder why nobody will make an extra effort in customer service anymore. My hats off to you for keeping your head and attitude up. Believe me, I'm an Army Recruiter right now and I understand what you are talking about. I love when they yell at me for the war, like I am the one that started it:D. People are morons, just keep positive and you will get to the good ones. Thank you for all of the support that you provide us.

H34me 01-13-2008 06:14 PM

Man Josh, sorry to hear about your troubles. I know what a heart breaker that must be. Hang in there man, I am sure you'll get it back good as new before too long.


skeeet 01-15-2008 12:54 AM

I would just use the garden hose and wash/soap the carpet and under mat and if you had a shop vac I would vaccum as much water out as I could. Here in Arizona the carpet would dry out in 10 or 12 hours in the sun. Still after you clean it and dry it I bet it will look as good as new.[/align]I would buy some compressed air that they use to clean keyboards asget the moisture out of the connectors, if I could open the connectors I would put some di-electric grease in there.[/align]I do not think you did any major damage.[/align]I wonder if the floor pan needs cleaning if you could install drain holes to match some plastic drain caps you can buy at AutoZone and then wash the pan?[/align]

josh1899 01-15-2008 11:15 AM

It was a real pain. I advise everyone to double check what they are about to drive through, even if you've done it before. As far as the carpet, I tried to clean and scrub. It just has too much mud in it. If it were just water, I could see it being salvagable. Here in Houston though, the humidity would have it stinking to high hell in no time. So just bought some new carpet. As far as the floor plan, well it had an inch of mud in it, and was a bitch to clean due to all the rivets and welds along the middle and edges. the only drain holes I had to use were the seat mounting holes, which were raised and not much help. The wiring harnesses running down each side were soaked, but there are no connectors there, just a ton of wires wrapped in elec tape. Took tape off, air dried and wiped wires, and will be re-wrapping in ALOT more electrical tape. I came up with an idea for preventable maint. for the future. Before i install new carpet, I am going to lay down those ZORBEES I know everyone has seen them on TV. I tested one out, and it really does work in sucking up ALOT of water. I figured that If I laid those down, then the carpet, they would suck up any water, and keep it out of the pad long enough for the carpet to be removed. I DON'T think this will happen again, but it will be nice insurance. It should also have an added benefit of more insulation. I'll take pics of install when i get the carpet.

Trey124 01-16-2008 03:28 PM

That's the one thing that bothers me, everyone sees the same ads right? Hummers are built for off road but not to be a mudding vehicle! I don't get it, these vehicles weigh over 2 tons and can't go flying through thick/deep mud. It troubles me to see people getting their Hummers trashed because they think that Hummers are indestructable. This isn't meant as a rant against anyone, just seen it to many times on the trails.
Glad to hear that everything is going to be ok with your Hummer, put up the pictures when it's finished.

josh1899 01-17-2008 12:07 AM

I have seen the ads, and I by no means think my truck is designed for mudding or indestructible(obviously). I do however believe that Hummer Markets it's vehicles to avid off-roaders who do in fact come across mud every now and then. The vehicle itself performed great and didn't let me down or strand me. I actually don't like the mud because it usually results in 2 hours of clean-up for 10 min of fun. I was exiting a part of the off-road park, and driving through a muddy puddle I had driven through a week prior(only way out through trees). Someone must have been running back and forth through the puddle, because it was MUCH deeper and nastier. That's why I got burried in the first place because I was not carrying any speed through the puddle, and realized my error too late. I assure you it was not due to over-confidence on my part but in-attention. It was definitely not a "Hey Yall watch this" moment. I have learned from my mistake, and will not be attempting obsticles that i don't explore on foot first!

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