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hma03 05-31-2008 05:36 PM

RE: Has a stranger made negative comments about your H3?
I have had mainly positive comments. Interestingly people immediately think it is AUD$100,000 car and when you tell them it is AUD$60,000 which is $20,000 cheaper than the starting price fora 200 Series Landcruiser, they suddenly start to look it with a whole lot more interest!

Might have to go to some hippy markets one weekend just for fun!!!

3hummers 05-31-2008 06:14 PM

RE: Has a stranger made negative comments about your H3?
The H1s always draw a crowd. Kids don't pass it without stopping for a look. Teenagers take photos on the road. All who commented above are right. The H3 Alpha gets better gas mileage than my F-250 diesel, costs less and the regular gas is over $1.00/gallon cheaper than diesel. No one cares about me driving the F-250.

joewcob3 05-31-2008 08:12 PM

RE: Has a stranger made negative comments about your H3?
What about the Hollywood morons who show up to the Oscar's in their Prius only to go home to their 10,000 sq ft home to get ready to take their Private Jet to their next day's movie location?????? "Look at how green I am in public".

I love the negative attention...give me more of it. Had a moron in a Mazda 6 give me a "thumbs down" on the road at a light before the express way on ramp. It was a nice sunny day last week and his Mazda was black and VERY clean (looked just waxed). When he moved out from behind to pass me on the express way (we were doing about 75mph) I hit my windshield washers and the windblown fine mist covered his "black beauty" the bird after he moved in front of me. I must have went thrua lot of my reservior holding in the wash button for at least what seemed like forever!!!! Should have tried the rear one while he was behind me waiting to pass!!!!!!!!

I hope that windshield fluid water spotted his finish. Washer nozzles are a great weapon against people in clean cars that act like @sses.

SteveO 05-31-2008 09:21 PM

RE: Has a stranger made negative comments about your H3?

ORIGINAL: joewcob3

What about the Hollywood morons who show up to the Oscar's in their Prius only to go home to their 10,000 sq ft home to get ready to take their Private Jet to their next day's movie location?????? "Look at how green I am in public".

I love the negative attention...give me more of it. Had a moron in a Mazda 6 give me a "thumbs down" on the road at a light before the express way on ramp. It was a nice sunny day last week and his Mazda was black and VERY clean (looked just waxed). When he moved out from behind to pass me on the express way (we were doing about 75mph) I hit my windshield washers and the windblown fine mist covered his "black beauty" the bird after he moved in front of me. I must have went thrua lot of my reservior holding in the wash button for at least what seemed like forever!!!! Should have tried the rear one while he was behind me waiting to pass!!!!!!!!

I hope that windshield fluid water spotted his finish. Washer nozzles are a great weapon against people in clean cars that act like @sses.
That is great

Evadd 05-31-2008 09:42 PM

RE: Has a stranger made negative comments about your H3?


I've had comments from guys about driving a rich Soccer Mom car but I quickly remind them that their F-250 4x4 costs more than my H3, that usually shuts them up. GM probably doesn't realize that the H3 gets bundled in with the H2 with HUMMER haters, see, notice how many H3's are there? The general public is ignorant about the H3 being any different than the H2 and GM doesn't do a very good job explaining the difference.
that site is the most ridiculous thing i've ever seen. [sm=smiley36.gif] aside from, that is.

rhill20 05-31-2008 09:45 PM

RE: Has a stranger made negative comments about your H3?
When we were getting the house inspected that we are looking at yesterday, someone else pulled in and we went out to see what they wanted (after all it's going to be OUR house, right?). Anyway, the lady looked at us and asked if the Hummer belonged to the Realtor, and I said "no it's mine". They didn't stay long after that. LOL

jpog 06-01-2008 01:10 AM

RE: Has a stranger made negative comments about your H3?
I generally get comments out of curiosity. Preconceived notions lead people to believe that a) it is expensive and b) it is a gas hog. Once I educate them, they are usually very cool and very interested.

D VADER 06-01-2008 06:06 AM

RE: Has a stranger made negative comments about your H3?
Never any negative comments but lots of positive one. Some ask about the mileage and are surprised.

CWS 06-01-2008 06:22 PM

RE: Has a stranger made negative comments about your H3?
ASP 500 Error

I hate snakes. negative comments yet. Some queries on mileage but no neagtives.


josh1899 06-01-2008 11:51 PM

RE: Has a stranger made negative comments about your H3?
What's really fun is when the idiot in the Ford Expedition at the next pump looks at you and says, "Man, i sure don't envy you having to fill that thing up!" I wonder what he thought when I was done filling up and driving away, and he was still filling his truck up. Dumb-ass.[:@]

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